Priscilla Ho
Carving a Clean and Organized Home? Professional Organizers Make Your Dream Come True!
Everyone craves a clean and organized home. But it is challenging for people nowadays because everyone is living with a busy schedule and...
Priscilla Ho
Performers Express Heartbreak after Penangpac Closes Its Curtains
Since 2020, the Covid-19 outbreak has brought a profound impact on the various sectors in Malaysia. Among the worst hit has been the Arts...
Priscilla Ho
HCUC Students Spread the Idea of Go Green Through 'Green Circus’ Online Campaign
The Final Year Public Relations and Advertising students of Han Chiang University College of Communication (HCUC) organized an online...
Priscilla Ho
WWF Reports: Humanity Has Wiped Out 60% of the Global Wildlife in Just Over 40 Years
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) stated that the populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles have dropped by 60 percent since 1970 because...
Priscilla Ho
Fiji Calls for Urgent Investment to Save the Reefs From Climate Change
Glasgow, Scotland - Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse ecosystems. They are the shelter of one in every four marine species....